WN #4 : 16 (Non-Generic & Timeless) Pieces of Advice to My Younger Self, My Present Self, and My Future Self
- By Sahil Jasuja
: 349
- Explore your curiosities as much as you can.
- Never get obsessed with too many things.
- Once you feel you’re becoming addicted to something, leave it immediately, or you’ll become dependent on it.
- Act on what you consume; otherwise, you’ll live in the illusion of growth while standing still.
- Find leverage in everything you do and work on it.
- Be disciplined in foundational things.
- Don’t overwhelm your brain with too many plans. Make one or two and stick to them.
- Measure success by balancing the basic necessities of health, finances, spirituality, emotional state, marriage, and relationships.
- Speak less and only say what truly matters.
- Learn to say no.
- Understand the gambler’s fallacy—it’s real in life. Don’t fall into that trap.
- Intention matters, but behavior matters more. Take care of both.
- Be a person of strong character.
- Don’t try to become the jack of all trades.
- What others think of you is their problem. Don’t stress over it.
- In the end, what truly matters in life is how much you know about yourself, what you want, whether you’re ready to work on it, whether you’ll be disciplined, and most importantly, whether you’re actually enjoying the process or just worrying about the results.
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