SSS #3 : Reach, Vulnerability & Authority – Only 3 Pillars Of Personal Brand

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SSS #3 : Reach, Vulnerability & Authority – Only 3 Pillars Of Personal Brand

Have you ever been in a situation where you had a solution for someone else’s problem (friends or family), and the other person didn’t care or gave it much weight?


Did you notice a similar pattern (it could be at the workplace) where people have a solution and something important to say but are not being taken seriously?

And, in the end, you discover that whatever you were saying was correct.

If yes,

  • Have you ever wondered why this happens?
  • Why people don’t take your advices seriously?
  • Why do you struggle to convince someone about something you are confident of?

This is the story behind most personal brands.

  • They have fantastic information to share.
  • They have solutions for their audience’s problems.
  • They have a unique product to sell.

But, their audience doubts their capability..

And unfortunately, in the end, they fail as an overall brand.

Your personal brand is your own reflection – Half truth.

Your personal brand is actually a combination of 3 things:

  • Your personality
  • Your ability to communicate the right way
  • Your audience’s willingness to consume.

All of these problems are caused by a misalignment between above mentioned 3 factors.

There are few people or brands who have a loyal following and their audience waits for them to publish content, joining their course’s waiting list, engage with them heavily.

Anyone can achieve this status, you can too.

Here’s how, step by step:

3 Pillars of A Personal Brand

  • Reach
  • Authority
  • Vulnerability

1. Reach

Followers, number of subscribers doesn’t matter – Again Half Truth

It matters.

The more reach you will get, the more you grow.

If you are not growing enough , no matter what you do , you will not be able to build a solid brand foundation.

Just think of it, why are you creating the content at the first place.

If you not getting enough eye balls on your content, it will take you no where.

Content that can give you good reach :

  • Educational content
  • New Industry Insights
  • Relatable memes

2. Authority

This is the most critical part regarding selling or any action you want your audience to take.

Deep understanding and social proof are two factors that influence your Authority.
Deep understanding doesn’t mean that you need expertise/specialization in a field. 

It’s more your experience, point of view and compelling arguments on that topic.
Social proofs consist of achievements, testimonials, and your own case studies.

3. Vulnerability

Something you can’t miss if you want to build a connection with your audience on a deeper level.

To connect with your audience, express your thoughts, likes, dislikes, wins, failures, and workings.

People crave genuine human connection, and showing vulnerability in a good way, will fill that gap.

It will humanize your brand. Your audience will feel that you are one of them.

Being vulnerable — but not pitifully so.

And different combinations of these pillars gives different kinds of results.

  • Growth + Vulnerability = More Engagement
  • Growth + Authority = More Sales
  • Authority + Vulnerability =Loyal Audience

Over a period of time when you start pushing your content under these 3 pillars you will have the same status.

People will talk about your brand. They will start sharing your content and you will have that kind of privilege too, which people who inspires you have.

Using these 3 pillars, you can give your brand depth it need, which will will indirectly give you an advantage over competitors.

If you want to understand content strategy on a more deeper level, you can read signal “Content Strategy To Unlimited Content” where I have shared my complete framework on building a content strategy while having unlimited content. Do check it out.

If you enjoyed today’s Signal, please share it with your friends and family!

Also, if you think your brand has great potential and is missing out the awareness and sales it should get, click here (You can directly contact me on WhatsApp)

See you again next week.

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